Destination Estonia!
Puidukoda : wood at the source and an international gateway.
The planing mill PUIDUKODA employs more than 125 people in Estonia, where the main activity is the production and sale of planed, profiled timber products for housing and outdoor spaces. The rough wood used as a raw material in production is exclusively high-quality northern wood, carefully selected by our purchasing team.
Most of it originates from Scandinavian and Baltic countries. Our main species are Spruce, Pine and Larch.
PUIDUKODA works with a modern, flexible and fully automated production line, which includes sawing, planing, sorting, end grooving, and packaging. It also performs finishing operations by offering paint and stain applications for all profiles.
Company Figures
Turnover :
64 M d’€
Workforce :
125 employees
Volume macined : 155 000 m3
Total Surface
area :
21 ha
surface area :
13 000 m²

After 8 years of joint action, there is now real synergy between PROTAC and PUIDUKODA, particularly when it comes to sourcing.
PROTAC’s acquisition has speed up the production tool and storage investment policy* with the creation of 2 new hangars. Our annual target of 200,000 m³ will be achieved in 2025. Our strategy is based on a continuous increase in added value, finishing and service”*New planing line, continuous improvement of production tools, development of our painting line